The new open call ‘BEOPEN Think Future’ is dedicated to promoting sustainable consumption, design and production, and has been inspired by the UN’s SDG#12. SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. There are 17 SDGs global goals overall, while SDG 12 is devoted to responsible consumption and production and looks for solutions to reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. More about United Nations’ SDGs>>
We only have one Earth and are utterly dependent on it for our survival and well-being. But environmental issues have grown to be a devastating problem nowadays, with much of the planet’s economic growth achieved as a result of over-exploiting natural resources. Both people and nature are going to face severe consequences if current consumption and production rates increase.
We invited environment-conscious creatives to submit their visuals that express the problem or aim to get through to people all over the globe in order to increase their awareness and promote the sustainable living. Hundreds of people shared relevant visuals that reflect this topic via Instagram with the #BEOPENThinkFuture hashtag, as a way to celebrate people’s ability to creatively interpret the reality around them.
The entries closed May 31, 2020. BE OPEN Community members then selected the winning post from a shortlist of submissions with the highest number of likes by Instagram users.
Our congratulations and the €300 prize go to Johanna-Josefina Alanko, visual artist based in Finland and Poland. A graduate from the School of Fine Arts in Kankaanpää, she also studied architecture and design in Universidad Europea in Madrid. Johanna’s winning piece of art is made from recycled plastic bottles and paint.