#BEOPENDesignNature entrants were challenged to address the creative transformation of the world around us, by exploring the interconnection between design and nature. The competition asked participants to examine and visualise the ways in which design and nature can intertwine, complement and supplement each other, create opposition or harmony, or even make the perfect match.


More than 100 videos were posted to BEOPEN's Instagram page over the course of the project by creative people from 23 countries around the world.

The winning video – Lines of Patternity – was one of four submitted by Michelle Bondesio  @michbondesio to visually express her thoughts about how nature both influences and collaborates with us.


Michelle, who runs her own communications and business development company, said: “I entered the competition as a personal challenge, never thinking I would actually win. When trying out new or difficult challenges, my motto is to consider the question ‘What if I can?’ and this was an exercise in personal courage – to put myself out there in an unknown arena – and skills development.


BE OPEN's official partner for this project was Herbarium, a unique bar in Austria, which draws its inspiration from local flora to create unique beverages that have a positive effect on people's wellbeing. It provided the €1,000 in prize money.